How Many Coronas to Get Drunk? All You Need to Know

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We all know that too much of anything can be dangerous, including alcohol. But what about when it comes to Corona beer? How many coronas does a person need to drink before they get drunk? And how does the alcohol content in Corona compare with other popular beers today?

This blog post discusses these questions and more as we explore “many coronas to get drunk.” We’ll look at the effect drinking too much Corona has on our bodies, offer tips for responsible drinking with Corona Beer, and even compare its alcohol content against some well-known competitors. So if you’re curious about how many Coronas it takes to reach your limit – keep reading!

Table of Contents:

What is the Alcohol Content of Corona Beer?

Corona beer is a popular Mexican-style lager that has become a staple in many households. The alcohol content of Corona beer varies by country, but the most common version contains 4.6% ABV (alcohol by volume). This means that each 12-ounce bottle or can of Corona contains approximately 5.5 grams of pure alcohol.

Calories Count of Corona Beer:

Regarding calories, Corona beer is light and contains only 148 calories per 12-ounce serving size. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking to watch their calorie intake while still enjoying a cold beverage.

Corona comes in 12-ounce bottles and cans, but other nations have 16- and 24-ounce bottles and cans. If you drink more than one bottle/can at once, factor this into your overall consumption level when calculating how drunk you’ll get from Coronas!

Flavour of Corona Beer:

Corona is a great choice for individuals who want something light but tasty without being overpowering. Corona’s taste is more approachable than higher-ABV beers, which generally have harsher characteristics that may not suit everyone.

The alcohol content of Corona beer is generally around 4.5% ABV, but the calories and serving size can vary depending on which type you’re drinking. It’s important to know how much you should drink to stay safe, so let’s look at how much Corona takes to get drunk.

Key Takeaway: Corona beer is a Mexican-style lager with citrus and malt overtones. It has only 148 calories per serving and an ABV of 4.6%, which means each 12-ounce bottle or can has about 5.5 grammes of pure alcohol. Corona has the same amount of alcohol no matter how much you drink, so plan to avoid getting intoxicated!

How Much Corona Does it Take to Get Drunk?

How Much Corona Does it Take to Get Drunk?

The amount and type of alcohol ingested, body weight, gender, food consumption before drinking, and tolerance levels determine drunkenness. An average individual needs one 12-ounce beer to get 0.05 percent BAC. However, this number can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances.

Factors that Affect Intoxication Levels:

The amount needed to become intoxicated depends on several factors, such as how much you weigh and your gender. Because they have less body mass to distribute alcohol molecules, smaller people become intoxicated faster.

Additionally, women tend to get drunk faster than men due to differences in body composition; specifically, women have higher fat content compared with men, which causes them to absorb more alcohol into their bloodstreams quicker than men do when consuming the same amount of drinks over the same period.

Eating before drinking also affects how quickly you become intoxicated since food helps slow absorption rates by providing something for your stomach acids to break down before allowing alcoholic beverages through into your bloodstream.

Finally, building up a tolerance from regular drinking sessions will also affect intoxication levels. Regular drinkers need more to achieve desired effects than those rarely or never drink.

Recommended Amounts for Different Weights and Genders:

According to research by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), a man weighing 140 and 159 pounds should drink no more than 2 beers per hour, while a woman in the same weight range should drink 1 beer per hour to avoid getting drunk too quickly. Heavier people, such as those weighing 180 to 199 pounds, should drink 3 beers per hour for men and 1 for women.

It’s important to understand the effects of drinking too much Corona and compare it to other popular beers in terms of taste and health benefits. In the next section, we’ll examine how different types of beer stack up against each other.

Key Takeaway: The amount and type of alcohol ingested, body weight, gender, food consumption before drinking, and tolerance levels determine drunkenness. Consider body weight, gender, tolerance, number of drinks per hour, and food consumption before drinking to avoid getting drunk rapidly.

Comparing Corona to Other Popular Beers

Comparing Corona to Other Popular Beers

Alcohol Content Comparison Chart:

When comparing the alcohol content of Corona to other popular beers, it is important to note that Corona has an ABV (alcohol by volume) of 4.6%. This is slightly lower than the average for most light beers, which range from 5-7% ABV. Corona has 14 grammes of pure alcohol in a 12-ounce bottle, so it’s still powerful.

Taste Comparisons Between Popular Beers:

The taste of a beer can vary greatly depending on the type and brand. Generally speaking, Corona has a mild flavour with notes of citrus and hops. It also tends to be more refreshing than many other types of beer due to its light body and low bitterness level. In comparison, some craft beers have stronger flavours, such as coffee or chocolate, while others may be sweeter or spicier.

Studies have indicated that consuming certain types of beer, such as lagers or ales, may help reduce inflammation throughout the body while providing antioxidants which protect against cell damage caused by free radicals in our environment. Beer contains anti-inflammatory components like barley and hops, which may lessen arthritis and joint pain symptoms over time if consumed moderately.

Comparing Corona to other popular beers can help you decide which beer is best for your tastes and health. But it’s important to remember that drinking too much of any type of beer, including Corona, can have serious consequences. In the next section, let’s look at the dangers of drinking too much Corona.

Key Takeaway: Corona is a light beer with an ABV of 4.6%, lower than the average for most light beers. It has a mild flavour with notes of citrus and hops, making it refreshing and less bitter than other types of beer. Studies have shown that consuming certain types of beer may reduce inflammation throughout the body while providing antioxidants which protect against cell damage caused by free radicals in our environment.

The Dangers of Drinking Too Much Corona Beer

Excessive drinking of Corona beer can have serious short-term and long-term effects on your health. It is important to understand the dangers of drinking too much so that you can make informed decisions about how much alcohol to consume.

Short-Term Effects of Excessive Drinking:

When people drink more than their body can handle, they may experience short-term side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, slurred speech, impaired judgment and coordination, memory loss or blackouts. These symptoms are usually temporary but could be dangerous if left unchecked.

Long-Term Effects of Excessive Drinking:

Over time, excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to liver damage and cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver; heart problems including high blood pressure; pancreatitis (inflammation); cancer; brain damage; depression and anxiety disorders; addiction issues; weakened immune system leading to increased risk for infections like pneumonia or tuberculosis.

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning:

Suppose someone has consumed an excessive amount of alcohol. In that case, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms, which include confusion or disorientation, slow breathing rate (less than 8 breaths per minute), blue skin colour due to lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, seizures or unconsciousness/unresponsiveness. If any of these signs are present, seek medical attention immediately, as this could be life-threatening.

It’s important to be aware of the potential dangers of drinking too much Corona beer and always to drink responsibly. Fortunately, many tips and strategies can help you stay safe while occasionally enjoying a cold Corona.

Key Takeaway: Corona beer abuse can harm your health. Alcohol poisoning can cause confusion, disorientation, slow breathing, blue skin from oxygen deficiency, seizures, unconsciousness, and unresponsiveness, which require immediate medical attention. Short-term consequences include nausea, vomiting, slurred speech, poor judgement, and coordination. Long-term effects may have liver damage and cirrhosis (scarring); heart problems, including high blood pressure; pancreatitis (inflammation); cancer; brain damage; depression and anxiety disorders; addiction issues; and a weakened immune system that increases the risk of pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Tips for Responsible Drinking with Corona Beer

When it comes to drinking Corona beer responsibly, setting limits on consumption is key. It’s important to understand the alcohol content of your drink and how much you can safely consume without putting yourself at risk for health problems or intoxication. Corona Extra has 4.6% ABV; therefore, a 12-ounce bottle has 5.5 grammes of pure alcohol or 0.4 ounces per serving. Before drinking any alcohol, check the label.

Set personal boundaries when drinking Corona beer and other alcoholic beverages. According to 2015-2022 U.S. dietary guidelines, men should not exceed four drinks per day and women three. Knowing your weight and gender will help you establish what is safe for you and how quickly your body processes alcohol.

If limiting yourself isn’t an option, alternatives such as non-alcoholic beers or mocktails made with fresh fruit juices instead of spirits are available. Additionally, suppose binge drinking has become a problem. In that case, there are strategies available that can help reduce excessive drinking habits, such as alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the night, eating before or during drinking sessions, avoiding high-proof liquors like tequila shots, keeping track of how many drinks consumed over time etcetera.

Key Takeaway: The key takeaway from the above is that it’s important to understand and set personal limits when drinking Corona beer or any other alcoholic beverage. This includes understanding the ABV of each drink and knowing your body weight and gender to determine what amount is safe for you personally. Alternatives such as non-alcoholic beers or mocktails are available if limiting yourself isn’t an option, and strategies like alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, eating before during drinking sessions, avoiding high-proof liquors, etcetera can help reduce excessive drinking habits.

FAQs in Relation to How Many Coronas To Get Drunk

Can 1 Corona get you drunk?

No, one Corona will not get you drunk. The alcohol content of a single 12-ounce bottle of Corona is only 4.6%, which is lower than the average beer’s 5%. Therefore, it would take more than one to reach intoxication. However, drinking too much can still be dangerous and should always be done responsibly.

Can 2 beers make you drunk?

Yes, two beers can make you drunk. The amount of alcohol in each beer and the total number of beers consumed will determine how quickly someone becomes intoxicated. Generally speaking, drinking two 12-ounce cans of regular-strength beer with an alcohol content between 4-5% ABV can lead to moderate intoxication for some people. However, this varies from person to person depending on factors such as body weight and gender. It is important to drink responsibly and always be aware of your limits when drinking alcoholic beverages.

Will 3 beers get you drunk?

Yes, three beers can make you drunk. The amount of alcohol in beer varies greatly depending on the type and size of the beer. Generally speaking, it takes about 5 standard drinks (12 oz. beers) for an average adult to reach a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08%, considered legally intoxicated in most states. Therefore, drinking 3 beers would likely not result in intoxication for most people. However, everyone’s tolerance levels are different, so some may experience effects from fewer drinks than others.

How much alcohol is in a Corona?

The amount of alcohol in a Corona beer varies depending on the country it is brewed. In the United States, a 12-ounce bottle or can of Corona Extra contains 4.6% alcohol by volume (ABV). In Mexico, where Corona is brewed and bottled, the ABV is slightly higher at 5%. Additionally, some specialty versions of Corona contain up to 8% ABV. Regardless of its origin, one thing remains true: enjoy responsibly!


In conclusion, it is important to remember that drinking too much Corona beer can be dangerous. While the alcohol content of Corona is lower than many other popular beers, it still has the potential to cause harm if consumed in excess. It’s important to understand your limits and drink responsibly when consuming any alcoholic beverage. Many coronas may seem like a good idea at first, but it’s best to take things slow and enjoy each sip rather than trying to get drunk quickly.

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