How Long Does Beer Last in a Growler? Tips to Keep it Fresh

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Are you a beer enthusiast who enjoys your favourite brews at home? If so, you know that transporting and storing beer can be tricky. Fortunately, you can ensure your beer remains fresh and secure until you’re ready to enjoy it. In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of beer growlers, from glass and stainless steel options to pressurized and non-pressurized varieties.

In this blog post, we’ll examine the advantages of beer growlers, from glass and stainless steel varieties to pressurized and non-pressurized models, as well as how long your beer will stay fresh in them, how pressurization works for carbonation maintenance, why glass may not be ideal for preservation purposes, ways to keep opened containers cold, and methods of transport. We’ll also discuss tips for keeping your opened growler cold and ways to transport beer safely from your local brewery or bottle shop.

Suppose you’re looking for a way to enjoy draft beer at home without sacrificing taste or quality, read on! In this article, we’ll explore selecting an appropriate growler for your beer-drinking requirements so that you can relish every draught.

Table of Contents:

How Long Does Beer Last in a Growler?

Growlers are a great way to store and transport beer. But how long does beer stay fresh in a growler? The shelf life of beer in a growler can vary, contingent upon the kind of brew and vessel employed.

Dependence on Beer Type:

Some beers have longer shelf life depending on their body and alcohol content. Generally, brews with a light body and lower alcohol content will remain fresh for extended periods when stored in a growler than those that are heavier-bodied and have higher ABV. For example, pale ales have shorter shelf life than IPAs or stouts due to their light body and low ABV (alcohol by volume).

Dependence on Growler Type:

The type of container used is also important when determining how long your beer will remain fresh in a growler. Choose the correct size growler for your needs, ranging from 64 to 128 ounces. It’s also important to note that glass containers are more effective at preserving flavour over extended periods than plastic or stainless steel options since they block out light better.

Dependence on growler Temperature:

Temperature control during storage is another factor that affects how long your beer stays fresh in a growler. Keeping your brews cold can help extend their shelf life significantly as warmer temperatures can cause oxidation which leads to off flavours like skunkiness or sourness after just two weeks or less, depending on the style of the brew being stored inside the container.

Dependence on Beer Quality:

Buying a quality product and selecting the appropriate container size are key factors to consider when looking to extend beer’s shelf life in a growler. Going for smaller vessels is advised as they reduce air exposure per ounce, thus decreasing chances of oxidation over time that could lead to spoilage more quickly if not monitored regularly between drinking sessions.

Dependence on Consumption Rate:

Finally, frequency consumption habits play an important role too: if you’re not drinking all your craft brews within 2 weeks, then consider investing in multiple smaller-sized containers rather than one large one so that each batch remains fresher until consumed – this helps reduce waste while still allowing enjoyment without sacrificing taste.

Realizing the components influencing beer freshness guarantees you get the most out of your preferred tipple. When selecting a beer and its container, it is crucial to consider how long the brew will stay fresh in a growler for optimal taste.

Key Takeaway: Selecting an appropriate size and variety of growlers and sustaining the correct temperature is essential for preserving your beer’s freshness. Investing in smaller containers is advised if you’re not drinking all your craft beers within two weeks; this will reduce waste while allowing you to enjoy them without sacrificing taste.

Factors That Affect Beer Freshness

Factors That Affect Beer Freshness

Storing beer to ensure its freshness involves a variety of elements. Firstly, the type of beer matters; light beers like pilsners should be consumed as soon as possible to maintain freshness and flavour. Sours and barrel-aged brews, with their higher alcohol content and bolder tastes, can endure longer than other varieties.

Type of Container:

The type of container used also affects how long your beer stays fresh; pressurized or vacuum-insulated containers better preserve taste/quality than traditional glass versions.

For example, growlers – large refillable jugs often made from glass – have become increasingly popular for craft breweries and homebrewers alike because they’re economical to transport larger amounts of beer in one go. However, since they don’t offer insulation against temperature changes or oxygen exposure (which can cause oxidation), it’s important to drink them quickly if you want them to remain flavorful over time.


On the other hand, cans and bottles with LOP technology (Lined Oxygen Protection) provide an airtight seal which helps preserve the flavour for much longer periods compared to traditional packaging options such as plastic wrap or cardboard boxes. This is especially useful for brewers who want their products stored in a safe environment without compromising quality or taste profile over extended periods of storage time.

Additionally, using CO2 cartridges with kegs allows you to control pressure levels inside your keg so that carbonation remains consistent throughout its lifespan – resulting in fresher-tasting brews every time.

Factors such as the type of beer, the container used, temperature control during storage and quality/type/container size purchased can all affect the freshness of your beer. With that in mind, it is important to understand how long you can keep your beer fresh before consumption.

Key Takeaway: Growlers are an economical way to transport beer, but their lack of insulation means they must be consumed quickly if you want them to stay fresh. On the other hand, cans and bottles with LOP technology provide a much longer shelf life while CO2 cartridges allow for better control over carbonation levels in kegs – all helping ensure your brews remain tasty as ever.

How Long Can You Keep Your Beer Fresh?

For a beer to be at its best, freshness is paramount. Whether you’re enjoying a craft brew from your local brewery or stocking up on some of your favourite brews for later, understanding how long you can keep your beer fresh is essential. Temperature control during storage and the quality/type/container size are two important factors determining how long your beer stays fresh. Additionally, frequency consumption habits are important in keeping the beer at its peak flavour profile.

Storage Environment

For optimal shelf life and taste, maintain a cool environment with temperatures between 45-55°F (7-13°C) when storing beers. For best results, use glass or stainless steel growlers to transport draft beer home from taprooms or bars as they provide superior insulation than non-pressurized containers like ceramic growlers and regular glass bottles. When storing opened growler vessels at home, leave them upright so no air gets into the container, which would cause oxidation of the remaining contents inside, resulting in off flavours over time.

Heed the advice in this piece to maintain your beer’s freshness for an extended duration. Practical steps such as buying a quality container and keeping it cool are essential to ensure maximum shelf life.

Key Takeaway: Store beer in a cool area, between 45-55°F (7-13°C), with glass or stainless steel growlers for excellent taste and longevity. Be sure to keep them upright when storing opened containers at home, as air can cause oxidation of the remaining contents resulting in off flavours over time.

Practical Tips To Ensure Your Beer Stays Fresh Longer

For those looking to maintain the freshness of their beloved beer, there are some helpful strategies they can implement. Investing in a quality, cold-retaining container such as a growler is essential for beer enthusiasts who wish to keep their favourite brews fresh for longer. Growlers are a great option, made from stainless steel or other materials designed to keep beverages cold. When storing filled jugs, keep them between the 33° F – 44° F range rather than room temperature; this will significantly extend your beer’s shelf life.


Another tip is to share with friends whenever possible. If you purchase large-sized containers such as growlers or crawlers and don’t think you can finish them on your own, invite some friends over and have a mini-tasting session so none of your precious beer goes bad before you get a chance to enjoy it all. This also applies if you’re transporting draft beer inside pressurized growlers; sharing with friends helps prevent opened growler bottles from sitting too long at home before consumption.

Utilizing these practical techniques can help maintain your beer’s freshness for a longer duration. Additionally, there are alternative ways to keep beer fresh such as using CO2 cartridges and kegs or purchasing cans/bottles with LOP technology which we will explore in the next section.

Alternative Ways To Keep Beer Fresh

Alternative Ways To Keep Beer Fresh

For those looking for a more sophisticated approach to beer preservation, CO2 cartridges and kegs offer an ideal solution. For homebrewers who want more control over carbonation levels, CO2 cartridges and kegs can provide an effective way of storing and preserving beer. Kegs also come with the added benefit of allowing you to serve multiple beers on tap at once.

Low oxygen permeability (LOP) cans and bottles keep beer fresher. This packaging is designed to maintain quality throughout transportation and storage before consumption. LOP technology prevents beer oxidation by sealing the container. This sealing technology protects your beverage’s taste from deterioration, air, and light.

Finally, keeping craft beer flavour profiles requires the correct storage temperature. Storing beer below 50°F will retain its taste and increase its shelf life. Higher temperatures might induce off-flavours due to faster oxidation processes. Drinks taste best when cold.

So if you’re looking for ways beyond using a growler bottle or other traditional containers for storing craft beers, these alternatives offer some great options that can help keep them tasting better longer – no matter what brew style you prefer. With proper temperature control during storage and using CO2 cartridges, kegs, cans/bottles with LOP technology, your beer will stay fresh longer while preserving its flavour profile.

Key Takeaway: Using a combination of temperature control, CO2 cartridges and kegs, and cans bottles with LOP technology can help extend the shelf life of beer stored in growlers. Keeping your beverages cold will ensure they remain fresh and tasty for longer periods.

FAQs in Relation to How Long Does Beer Last in a Growler

How long will beer in a growler keep?

Beer in a growler will typically keep for up to two weeks if stored properly. It is important to store the beer away from light and at an ideal temperature of around 45-55°F. To maximize freshness, it’s best to fill your growler before you drink it and consume it within 24 hours of opening. If kept cold, unopened growlers can last longer but should be consumed immediately after opening for optimal taste.

How long does a 64 oz growler last?

A 64 oz growler can last up to two weeks, depending on the beer and how it is stored. To maintain beer’s freshness, storing it in a cold environment and out of direct light is essential. To maximize shelf life, an airtight lid should be used to avoid oxidation which can cause off-flavours in the beer.

How do you keep beer fresh in a growler?

To ensure beer’s longevity in a growler, it is essential, to begin with an unsoiled vessel. Rinse the inside of the growler with hot water and use soap if necessary. Fill the growler up completely so that there is minimal oxygen exposure. If possible, store your filled growlers in an area where the temperature remains consistent and away from direct sunlight or other heat sources. Finally, consume within 3-4 days for optimal taste and quality.

Can a growler be unrefrigerated?

No, a growler should not be unrefrigerated. Growlers are designed to keep beer fresh and carbonated for up to 48 hours when refrigerated. The beer will spoil quickly when left out at room temperature due to oxidation and bacterial contamination. The taste of the beer can also be affected by heat as it causes chemical reactions in hops that make them bitter or astringent tasting. Storing your growler in a fridge is the best choice for preserving its quality until it’s time to drink.


Storing beer in a growler is an effective way to preserve its flavour and freshness for extended periods. Comprehending the elements influencing beer preservation is essential to ensure you relish it for as long as possible. With proper storage techniques like keeping your growler cold, avoiding light exposure, and consuming within two weeks of opening, you can savour every last drop of your beloved craft beers.

Discover the best beer subscription services and learn how to store your favourite brews in a growler for maximum freshness with our expert advice. Join us now and find out how long beer last in a growler!